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A Brief Introduction to the Governance & Management of Suffolk Soul Singers as a Charitable Organisation



As a charitable organisation, in 2016 SSS adopted a constitution* that complies with the requirements of The Charity Commission. This not only sets out what our charitable aims should be, but defines how the appointed Trustees, including those with designated roles, should oversee the smooth running and administration of the choir in order to achieve those objectives.

 (*A full copy of the constitution can be found here, if you should wish to read it in full. )




"To advance, develop, improve and maintain public education in, and appreciation of, the art & science of music in all its aspects by any means the Trustees see fit, including the presentation of public concerts and recitals"


"To further such charitable purpose or purposes as the Trustees, in their absolute discretion, shall think fit, but in particular through the making of grants and donations"  


                                                   2. ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES 


All members of SSS have a role to play in ensuring the continued success of the choir, so it is important for everyone to understand what these responsibilities are and how they influence decisions made about the choir.

First of all, it's important to recognise that there are two distinct elements to our choir - one is the thing that people turn up for each week -  learning great songs, making music together, the excitement of performing in a range of settings, etc. 


The second element is more prosaic and partly governed by our charitable status but includes looking after finances, writing policies, booking rehearsal space & venues, new member recruitment, reviewing the year to ensure we are meeting our charitable objectives & providing good value for money, etc. 


So it is important to understand the split between the two elements - (i) all things relating to the choir's music & performances and (ii) the practical running of the choir and fulfilling our obligations as a charity

The Music side 

Andi, who is employed by us in her professional capacity as Musical Director is ultimately responsible for :

- the repertoire & performance of the choir

- overseeing all choir tuition

- stage presentation & concert management 

 N.B. Although Andi may be invited to attend Trustee meetings, she is not a member and has no voting rights.


​The governance & day-to-day running of the group

This is shared between the  7 elected Trustees. (See list below) Jointly, they must:

  • ensure the choir is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit, as set out by the Charity Commission

  •  set & review the choir’s policies

  • manage the choir’s resources responsibly, including reviewing members' subs & the Musical Director's salary


The Management Team

Three Trustees who are elected to specific roles as Officers - the Chair, Secretary & Treasurer - form the Management Team to work alongside the Musical Director, to deal with the day-to-day practicalities of the running the choir and dealing with issues that crop up between Trustee meetings.


The Chair’s responsibilities include:

-Providing leadership & direction for the trustees, to help them fulfil their responsibilities

-Ensuring the smooth running of meetings

-Acting as a figurehead or spokesperson, where required

-Encouraging the active participation of members in the choir’s  activities 


The Secretary’s responsibilities include:

-Overall responsibility for the organisational affairs of the choir

-Being the point of contact for the membership 

-Being the point of contact for the public, including booking rehearsal spaces, booking venues for gigs,  responding to booking enquiries and new membership enquiries

-Writing communications on behalf of the choir

-Keeping a record of the membership of the choir

-Keeping attendance records in the run-up to a major gig

-Distributing the agendas for trustee meetings and AGMs & recording & distributing minutes 

-Ensuring that SSS files all relevant statutory returns and information (e.g. annual reports, changes to

trustees’ details, etc.)


The Treasurer’s responsibilities include:

-Keeping the choir accounts up to date & in good order

-Banking money & cheques received

-Paying invoices promptly

-Reporting on the financial position of the choir at trustee meetings

-Ensuring that end of year accounts are inspected

-Provide a written financial report to the AGM.


Elected Trustees 2024-2025

Karen Dodd   (Chair)              

Viv Rolph     (Secretary)          

 Mary-Rose Griffiths   (Treasurer)

Lisa Rowland              

Steve Fosdick

Lesley Eley

Judith Mason


​                  Annual General Meeting (AGM)


The purpose of the AGM shall be to:

- Elect (or re-elect) Trustees including a Chairperson, Secretary  and Treasurer 

- Receive a report from the Chairperson

- Receive a statement of accounts from the Treasurer

- Consider any other business.

Matters can be debated at the AGM after prior notice has been given in writing to the choir Secretary at least seven days prior to the meeting.


Special General Meeting (SGM)

An SGM can be called at any time provided that the request has been made in writing – proposed and seconded. At least seven days’ notice has to be given for any motion to be raised at an SGM.




Suffolk Soul Singers is proud to be an inclusive organisation where everyone is respected, regardless of their race, age, gender, religion or beliefs, sexual orientation, disability, or social and economic status. In order to achieve a safe and supportive environment for all, we ask that members follow our Code of Conduct. We trust that everyone will understand the importance of these guidelines and will adhere to them to ensure everyone can enjoy being part of the choir.


Suffolk Soul Singers -  Members' Code of Conduct 

(Reviewed & updated at the Trustees meeting , Spring 2024)


  • Members are expected to behave with civility and consideration towards others. Using negative, discriminatory or abusive language or behaviour that may cause anyone discomfort at any time is not acceptable. 


  • Members are asked to respect and adhere to decisions made by the Musical Director and the elected Officers of the Management Team. Any concerns or grievances regarding these decisions should be not aired publicly, other than during a designated Open Forum meeting; rather, they should be discussed calmly and respectfully with one of the Management Team. Where appropriate, the issue of concern will be passed on to other members of the Team. 


  • Members are encouraged to maintain good attendance at rehearsals to ensure continuity for themselves and the choir. If unable to attend, members should promptly notify the Secretary. Using archive recordings can help members learn any songs that were rehearsed during their absence


  • Members should follow the Musical Director's guidance throughout rehearsals. They should refrain from talking when instructions are being given or when other sections are singing, as this can be very distracting. 


  • All members are given permission to access the choir’s archive of recordings with the  expectation that they will practise songs between rehearsals.  Please be aware that the choir’s music & the musical arrangements are the intellectual property of the Musical Director and recordings must not be sold or passed on to those who are not members of the choir. 


  • Similarly, members should not share videos and/or photos from the SSS Archive without first seeking permission from the Secretary, as some members may not have given consent for their images to be used outside the choir.


  • To participate in major concerts - typically those for which tickets are sold - members are expected to have attended 75% - 80% of rehearsals in the term, (as recorded in the weekly register of attendance). This must include participating in the final rehearsal before the performance. Not meeting this requirement may result in the member being ineligible to take part in the concert. The Musical Director has the final say about members’ inclusion at any gig.


  • When engaged in choir business, no individual member shall take it upon themselves to make any official complaint to the hiring organisation. If a member has a concern or grievance with a booking agent or venue, then they should inform the choir Secretary who will bring the matter before the Management Team to decide if a formal complaint should be made.


  • Members are expected to prioritise safety at all times during rehearsals, performances, and other choir events, and to follow any safety guidelines or instructions provided by the Musical Director.


Please note: 


Incidents of failure to adhere to the choir's agreed Code of Conduct will be reviewed by the Management Team, and appropriate action will be taken promptly, according to the following procedures:


1. In cases where a member is not complying with the agreed Code of Conduct, the Musical Director or one of the Management Team Officers may schedule a meeting to discuss the issue with the member, in order to explain the inappropriateness of their conduct, and to offer support to help them make changes.


2. If, after this meeting and the support offered, the member fails to address the issue, then the Management Team has the authority to ask the member to leave the choir. The reason for taking this course of action must be fully explained to the member.


3. If the member is unhappy with the decision made by the Management Team, they have the right to ask an Appeals Committee to review the decision. Three Trustees, who have not previously had any involvement in the case, will sit on the Appeals Committee.  If the original decision is upheld by this committee, there is no further right to appeal as this decision is final.​



Informal Kit

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